
Product Description

Super-Bond C&B is a self-cure dental adhesive system containing 4-META/MMA-TBB. It has been on the market for about 3 decades and has earned an exceptional reputation for bond to enamel, dentin and other materials, margin-sealability and pulpal compatibility.

Super-bond C&B Kit White


  • Excellent bond strength to tooth structure (enamel and dentin), metal, porcelain and dental resins.
  • Universal dental applications.
  • Pulpal safety.
  • Formulation of a hybrid layer (resin impregnated layer) in both enamel and dentin. This layer reinforces the tooth surface against recurrent caries and prevents the post-operative hypersensitivity.
  • Super-Bond C&B Quick Monomer is a monomer with curing time faster than Super-Bond C&B Monomer.

Key Specifications


  • Tensile Bond Strength         :     Enamel – 15MPa, Dentin – 17MPa
  • Knoop Hardness Number   :      8.9
  • Flexural Strength                  :      58.3 MPa
  • Water Sorption                      :      31.2 micro gm/mm3
  • Solubility                                 :      12.1 micro gm/mm3


Super-Bond C&B Kit:

  • 1 x 10ml Monomer
  • 1 x 0.7ml Catalyst V
  • 1 x 3g Powder L-Clear
  • 1 x 5g Powder L-Radio Opaque
  • 1 x 3ml Red Activator
  • 1 x 3ml Green Activator


Pre-treatment of the surface allows the Super-Bond resin to form the strongest possible bond. The proper treatment varies according to the substance to which the cement will be applied:

a) Tooth surface

Use a prophy brush or rubber cup to mechanically clean the tooth and remove plaque, biofilm, calculus, etc. Do not leave chemical residues (such as fluoride prophy paste or eugenol-based agents) that may inhibit polymerization.
The type of tooth tissue being bonded influences both the agent used to prepare the surface and the length of treatment. If the treatment is too short, the subsequent bond may be relatively weak. If the treatment is too long, the dentin or enamel may be left brittle or too severely modified.
Enamel should be treated with Red Activator (65% phosphoric acid) for 30 seconds, or alternatively with Green Activator (10% citric acid with 3% ferric chloride) for 30-60 seconds. For enamel treated previously with fluoride, Red Activator should be used.
For tooth surface in which both enamel and dentin are exposed, Green Activator should be chosen.
Dentin should be treated solely with Green Activator. Red Activator would excessively decalcify dentin and denature exposed collagen, and therefore should NOT be used for dentin.

Treatment Time

Green Activator Red Activator
Enamel (30-60 sec.) 30 sec.
Dentin 5-10 sec. —–

Pre-treatment of the surface allows the Super-Bond resin to form the strongest possible bond. The proper treatment varies according to the substance to which the cement will be applied:

b) Metal Surface

Super-Bond adheres to the oxides on a metal surface. Alloys differ in their ability to form an oxide layer, so some form of pretreatment may be required to assure proper oxide formation. Air abrasion using 50-µm alumina dramatically increases the surface area available for bonding. We recommend that metal surfaces be blasted wherever possible.
*Try-in of the prosthesis may contaminate the sandblasted surfaces, so blasting should be performed after the fit has been confirmed.

Since non-precious metals oxidize easily, satisfactory bonding can be attained by merely sandblasting the surface. Ultrasonic cleaning in water after blasting will enhance bond strength.

V-PRIMER is a simple, effective bond-enhancing pre-treatment for precious metal alloys, which eliminates the need for complicated heat-treatment or tin-plating.

c) Porcelain surface

Porcelain Liner M (a pretreatment for ceramic surfaces) permits Super-Bond C&B to adhere to porcelain without hydrofluoric acid treatment.

Super-Bond C&B can be used either with the Bulk-mix technique or the Brush-dip technique. Choose the appropriate technique by referring to the chart below.

Comparison of Techniques

Bulk-mix technique Brush-dip technique
Outline of technique Polymer powder is added directly to the activated liquid.* A powder/liquid ball is formed at the tip of brush by dipping the tip first into the activated liquid* and then touching the powder.
Comparison of the two techniques Use the Polymer/Monomer mixture immediately. The activated liquid may be used for about 5 minutes.
As the Polymer/Monomer ratio is lower, the curing is slowed. As the Polymer/Monomer ratio is higher, the curing is fast.
Applicable to: Adhesion of comparatively wide surface area Good for applying to several small surface areas

Super-Bond C&B must be used before threading begins. To prolong the working time, first of all, chill the Dispensing Dish and use a Polymer L-Type. If you still need a longer working time, reduce the amount of Polymer powder in the mixture (Lower Polymer/ Monomer ratio).

a) Effect of temperature

The figure shows how temperature affects the working time of a bulk-mix at a constant Polymer/Monomer ratio. The cooler the mixture is, the longer the working time is.

b) Effect of Polymer type

The working time and the curing time are affected by the Polymer/Monomer ratio.

c) Effect of Polymer/Monomer ratio

Seven types of Polymer powder are available for Super-Bond C&B. (Which Polymer type should I use?) There is a slight difference in working time among the Polymer types.

Effect of Polymer/Monomer Ratio on Working Time and Curing Time in Bulk-mix Technique

Polymer Opacity Working time (16°C) *1 Curing time (37°C)
70 180 7.5 14.5
Opaque Ivory
Opaque Pink
Opaque 100 170 8.5 17
L-type L-Type Clear
L-Type Esthetic
110 150 230 6 8.5 15.5
120 200 270 7 9.5 18

Seven types of Polymer are available for Super-Bond C&B, including those not supplied in the kit. Refer to the following list to select the best Polymer for your application.

a) Clear and L-Type Clear

Fine PMMA powder without pigment. When cured, its medium translucency and inconspicuous shade is ideal for temporary splinting of loose teeth, creation of temporary protheses using a resin tooth or extracted tooth, or direct bonding of orthodontic brackets with the Brush-dip technique.
When the normal Clear polymer is used in the Bulk-mix technique, the working time before threading is rather short. Here the L-Type polymer is preferable, because it allows more working time.

b) Esthetic and L-Type Esthetic

Tooth colored Clear powder. When cured, its color is ivory with some translucency and little opacity. It is used for protheses that require an esthetic appearance. Curing time and workability are similar to that of the Clear powder and L-Type Clear powder respectively.

c) Opaque Ivory

Opaque is produced by specially prepared pigments. This powder creates an extremely Opaque cement film that is highly effective in masking metal surfaces. It is recommended for use wherever metal show-through might affect aesthetics (as when cementing inlay or adhesion bridges), or when repairing fractured protheses with exposed metal.
Its working time is slightly longer than Clear powder, but shorter than L-Type Clear.
The Opaque Ivory powder is widely used for routine cementation. Due to its opacity, any excess cement is extremely visible, which facilitates its removal.

d) Opaque Pink

Pale pink color added to Opaque Ivory. This Polymer was originally intended for repairing denture bases, but can be used for the same purposes as the Opaque Ivory. Some dentists prefer it to the Opaque Ivory as its pink color reflected on the surrounding tooth produces a more natural shade. Its handling and curing properties are similar to those of the Opaque Ivory.

e) L-Type RadiOpaque

This powder contains highly radiOpaque filler. When it is used in Bulk-mix technique under the standard Polymer/Liquid ratio, the cured adhesive is radiopacity equivalent to enamel. This Polymer combines the opacity of Opaque Ivory with the former RadiOpaque polymer. It creates a natural tooth-color and allows a longer working time for easier handling. However, it cures slightly more slowly than the Clear powder. For faster curing, use the Powder/Liquid ratio of 1:2.

Material Technique Radiopacity*1
Ratio to Standard
Polymer / Monomer Ratio
Super-Bond C&B using
Polymer L-Type Radiopaque
Bulk-mix technique 1.2 260
1 210
0.75 160
Brush-dip technique 330
Enamel 180
Dentin 120

Unless the brush and dispensing dish are cleaned immediately, Super-Bond C&B will harden and be very difficult to remove.

  • Cleaning the Dispensing Dish: Before it has hardened, wipe the remaining material from the dish using tissue paper. If the material has cured in the mixing wells, soak the dish in water overnight to facilitate removal.
  • Cleaning the brush: The Brush Tips in the kit are for one-time use. If a multi-use brush is used, wipe off the remaining Super-Bond C&B with tissue paper immediately after use, and then wash it in a solvent, such as acetone, MMA, etc

(Note) The update of the following information is published in July 2007.

A solution of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is sometimes used to dissolve organic materials, to decontaminate surfaces, or to stanch bleeding.
When using Super-Bond C&B on surfaces treated with sodium hypochlorite, the following care should be taken to avoid compromising Super-Bond C&B ‘s exceptional bond strength.

1) Do NOT apply sodium hypochlorite after acid etching.Sodium hypochlorite will dissolve the collagen exposed by acid treatment. Therefore, the Green Activator should be applied AFTER treatment with sodium hypochlorite.

2) Limit the treatment time with sodium hypochlorite to less than 30 seconds.Short-term treatment will not significantly affect the bond. Prolonged treatment with sodium hypochlorite, however, will significantly decrease the bond strength:

Super-Bond C&B bond to dentin after treatment with 10% solution of sodium hypochlorite for various time periods

Treatment time with sodium hypochlorite Seconds 0 15 30 60
Tensile Bond Strength MPa 17 16 13 6

3) If NaOCl treatment time exceeds 30 seconds, neutralize the surface with a reducing agent before etching.

Method 1:
Apply Saforide RCTM, containing 38 mg/mL diamine silver fluoride ( Ag(NH3)2F ), for a length of time 1/2nd as long as the surface was treated with sodium hypochlorite. Rinse with water and dry. Treat with the Green Activator for 10 seconds. Rinse and dry. Then apply Super-Bond C&B according to the ordinary procedures.

Saforide is a tradename of Beebrand Medico Dental Co., Ltd.

The surface was treated for 60 seconds with a 10% solution of sodium hypochlorite, neutralized with Saforide RC, and then bonded with Super-Bond C&B.

Treatment time with Saforide RCTM Seconds 30 60
Tensile Bond Strength MPa 8 13

Saforide RC may darken tooth surfaces.

Method 2:
Prepare a 10% aq. solution of ascorbic acid (or its Na or K salt). Apply the solution for a length of time 1/3rd as long as the surface was treated with sodium hypochlorite. Dry the surface. Treat with the Green Activator for 10 seconds, rinse and dry. Then apply Super-Bond C&B according to the ordinary procedures.

Treatment time with NaOCl Seconds 180 300
Treatment time with ascorbic acid Seconds 30 60 50 100
Tensile Bond Strength MPa 7 16 6 17

Note: The shelf life of the aqueous solution of ascorbic acid (or its Na or K salt) is about 2 weeks in a refrigerator. However, the unmixed powder has a very long shelf life. Therefore, when treating small areas of the tooth, it is most practical to use a Brush-dip technique :(1) place a small amount of powder into a dish, (2) dip a brush into water, (3) touch the powder with the moist micro-brush, (4) brush onto tooth surface being treated, (5) rinse and dry, and (6) then proceed to the treatment with Green Activator. (When finished, discard any ascorbic acid powder remaining in the dish.)

4) When used on dentin, acidic electrolyzed water reduces the bond strength of Super-Bond C&B much like sodium hypochlorite (though the reduction is less severe.)

To achieve normal bonds after the tooth surface has been treated with acidic electrolyzed water, apply the Green Activator for 30 seconds (instead of the normal 10 seconds). Rinse and dry. Then apply Super-Bond C&B according to the ordinary procedures.


Super-Bond C&B Quick Monomer is a monomer with curing time faster than Super-Bond C&B Monomer. Other features, such as working time and bond strength, are essentially the same as Super-Bond C&B Monomer.


Super-Bond C&B Quick Monomer 10mL (sold separately)

How to use

The application of Super-Bond C&B Quick Monomer is identical with that of Super-Bond C&B Monomer. It can be used in both the Bulk-mix and Brush-dip techniques described in the instructions for Super-Bond C&B.

Bulk-mix Technique

Polymer Type Working time (16°C)*1
Curing time (37°C)
Monomer Quick Monomer Monomer Quick Monomer
Clear 70 80 7.5 5
L-Type Clear 150 160 8.5 6

Bonded Bridge

1. Fabrication of the gold-alloy bridge

5. Removal of excess with alcohol

2. Pretreatment using V-PRIMER

6. Removal of excess on supragingiva

3. Surface treatment using Green Activator

7. Removal of excess in the proximal areas

4. Applying the Super-Bond C&B cement

8. Completed

Brush-dip Technique

Polymer Type Curing time (37°C)
Monomer Quick Monomer
Clear 5 3.5
L-Type Clear 5.5 4.5

Fixation of Mobile Tooth

1. Polishing & Cleaning the surface

4. Applying Super-Bond C&B with a brush

2. Surface treatment using Red Activator

5. Polishing after curing

3. Washing & drying

6. Completed

1. Concept of L-Type Polymer

The ” long working-time” polymer, L-Type Polymer, was developed recently to meet dentists’ needs.
It is obtained by modifying the PMMA surface morphology only. The surface roughness factor (SRF=S1/S2) of Polymer powder is reduced so as to control its dissolving tendency to the monomer (4-META/MMA) after mixing.
As a result, the working time of L-Type Polymer is as long as about double of that of Normal Type while the curing time and the bond strength are essentially kept the same.

Surface Morphology of Polymer Powders (Clear)

S1: specific surface area measured by adsorption method.
S2: specific surface area measured by laser diffraction method.

2. Performance of L-Type Polymer

Working Time (Mixing ratio: Monomer/Polymer=4 drops/1cup)

Curing Time (at 37°C)


Polymer Ratio
1 Cup 0.75 Cup
Clear 7.5 14.5
L-Type Clear 8.5 15.5
Radiopaque 8.5 15.5
L-Type Radiopaque 9.5 18

Tensile Bond Strength


Substrate L-Type Normal Type
Clear Dentin*1 17 16
Enamel*1 11 11
Porcelain*2 26 25
Au-Pd alloy*3 30 28
Au alloy (IV)*3 27 28
Radiopaque Dentin*1 12 13
Au Pd alloy*3 29 28
Au alloy (IV)*3 30 28

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